Ancient Science
Ifa is a ancient spiritual system that studies and interprets the forces of nature both around and inside of us. It is a map that helps us navigate through life in flow, gracefully, in alignement with our Ori (the Destiny that our spirit agreed to experience in this lifetime). In Ifa we always strive to be in good character rather than at the whims of “the windmill of the mind” with its attachments and emotional traps that more than often lead us into poor decisions that bring about more emotionality, doubt and confusion.
““Ifa teaches that, with the exception of the day you are born and the day you are supposed to die, there is no single event that cannot be forecast and, when necessary, changed.”
Divination is a reliable tool for interacting and communicating with the subtle, invisible and spiritual aspects of life. The mind struggles with that concept as it always wants to see proof. Similarly to Western medicine/science which never gave much credit to thousand year old traditions such as TCM or Ayurveda. Modern science had considered these systems to be no more than superstition because they addressed “invisible” energies that couldn’t be described scientifically. Only in recent years technology has proven the existence of the electrical grid of Nadis and Meridians. So, how did the whole meridian grid get mapped out precisely without modern technology thousands of years ago? The answer is: Consciousness. The greatest technology ever created in this universe.
The I-Ching, Runes and IFA Divination all revolve around the number 64 (64 hexagrams, 64 runes, 64x4 Odus in Ifa) which is also the number of codons contained in each DNA nucleus. Out of the three traditions, Ifa is the most intriguing in its similarity to our DNA. On each strand of DNA there are 4 nucleuses. Each contains 64 Codons. In Ifa we have 256 Odus (64 x 4) just like in each DNA strand there are 256 possible combinations at any given time! Our DNA receives photons (light) at different frequencies and different vibratory rates. They are defined by intervals of light and dark. Codes of zeros and ones. Which is exactly the language that is “used” by Ifa divination tools such as Obis or Opeles. How did the ancients put together accurate divination tools that are based on the workings of our DNA?
Consciousness seems to be the only possible answer.
The same Consciousness that has inspired all of our modern digital technology. Consciousness creates tools and ways to bring us closer to itself when we lose our ways. Those tools connect our inner and outer worlds. Just like a computer helps us to organise our world and information, Ifa divination helps us to harmonise the relationship between our micro and macrocosm. Ifa Divination is an ancient version of a computer. Just like any other digital system it is based on binary codes: Dark and Light. 1010110001011010010. Which is not surprising, considering they all stem from One Consciousness that has created the Universe which revolves around the infinite dance between Light and Darkness.
The Opele is the divining chain used by a Babalawo, an initiated priest of Ifa. It consists of two arms made of 8 beads on each side. In Computer Science, a byte consists of eight bits and a nibble represents four bits. The four beads on one side of an Opele can be likened to a nibble and all eight nuts a byte. Bits are arranged in different patterns of zeros and ones to form a particular binary number or digit. The binary number formed from the arrangement or combination of 0 and 1 can be likened to an Odu (a pattern) in Ifa divination. All 256 Odu’s come with parables that precisely describe how the energy of each Odu affects our everyday life with its unique dance between light and dark.
Form Your Foundation of Your Divination Life
What is Obi divination?
Obi Divination is a reliable tool for interacting and communicating with the subtle, invisible and spiritual aspects of life. Obi divination is directly linked with our Highest Self. When we open to receive our divine message and act on it, miracles sprig up and new avenues open in our consciousness. We surprise ourselves with our creativity, love, ingenuity. Doors begin to appear and unlock. Obi Divination carries with it tremendous divine potential. Do you choose to explore it and use it for the highest benefit of your life?
What is required for effective Obi Divination?
Like any method - obi divination requires your time, attention and dedication. Only dedicated daily practice will bring you your desired outcomes of having a direct line to your Higher Self that you can use in any situation in your ife. Daily practice of obi divination is strengthening you TRUAT muscle.
What can I do to increase my trust in my intuition in every situation?
Master your Self - Master your Practice.
Obi Divination Masterclasses
Upskill your Divination Life with our Obi Divination Masterclasses and put your full faith in your intuition!
101 Obi Divination Masterclass with Iya Omi Tola & Baba Sandro Alawode
This master class is laying the cornerstones of your daily spiritual practices. Perfect for the new and advanced diviner.
We will cover fundamental principles of obi divination including :
Guidelines & protocols essential to successful readings
Obi consecration
5 basic positions
201 Obi Divination Masterclass with Iya Omi Tola & Baba Sandro Alawode
We all carry eternal wisdom, power and creativity of the almighty "I AM that I AM". This class will fully activate and awaken your metaphysical mastery to heal, transform and manifest in alignment. Your power is in your ability to craft your questions for the most optimal outcome. Come and have fun expanding your awareness & your intuition. Obi divination is a key to unlock and receive your full blessings.
In this masterclass we will explore:
Odu divination with obi
Order of seniority
How to use metaphysics and interact with the forces of nature to transform your life.
Join us and find out the principles and benefits of Obi Divination!
Your Divination Tools
Where can I get my obis?
Right Here! We have everything you require to create your Sacred Divination Space!
Obi Divination Set
Basic Set Includes :
4 x Obi cowrie shells : 2 male / 2 female.
Access to Obi community of fellow diviners & a private share group.
Basic Obi Manual
Note: when you receive your obis, you will need to consecrate them to yourself before use. Instructions are in your resources that are sent out with your Obi’s.
$33 aud
Master Set Includes :
The basic set will get you in the game. The Master set is designed by Diviners for Diviners, with everything you need to do a complete and thorough reading.
4 x Obi: 2 male / 2 female.
Handwoven Organic hemp carry bag
OPON Divination Casting matt - handwoven organic with gold silk thread
Divination Journal designed for recording divination casts
Obi postcard with prayer and order of seniority
Obi Manual
Access to Obi community of fellow diviners & private share group.
Note: when you receive your obis, you will need to consecrate them to yourself before use. Instructions are included your resource pack.
$108 aud
Divination Consultation
Are you facing a significant issue in your life right now?
Do you require assistance?
Do you require perspective on your life to see your bigger picture and your place in it?
Do you require clarity on your priorities and your outcomes?
A Divination Consultation with a Babalawo or an Iyanifa will soothe your anxiety and shine a light of clarity on where you are in consciousness, what forces are acting in creating blockages and self-sabotage. And it will provide you with a prescription of your most beneficial way forward.
Have more questions? Great! We are here to assist you.

Ifa divination readings can be used in multitude of ways to assist you with any and every situation or decision you are facing in your life. Here are only some of them ;
Making big life decisions such as moving house, leaving a job,
Making investments strategies
Shining a light on a conflict and how to best approach and resolve it
Tracking oneself in a spiritual process
Support with ancestral work and identifying guardian ancestors
40 min General Divination Reading
220 AUD
This can be on anything you require guidance, insight or assistance around, for example, work, relationships, living situations and so on. It can be used for big choices in life where you require some guidance. A recording of your reading interpretation will be sent to you in an email .
You have 7 days to reply with any questions.
120 min Divination consultations
440 AUD
Divination Consultations are available for more complex situations. Relationship counselling, financial solutions, health advice, moving home or any other topic that would like an indepth reading for full clarity.
The reading is done with you live (online or in-person) to be present to the entire process and participate with your specific circumstances and questions. There may be subsequent further services or work required, such as sacrifices indicated and any other subsidiary readings; we will provide you with a quote before continuing.
Follow up consultation
197 aud
Yearly Reading Packages
This service is created to empower students to honour their commitment to themselves and to acknowledge and value when extra support is required.
If you have received a reading and require extra assistance beyond what you have received, this service is for you. In your follow up consultation, further divination is also included. Clients find this particularly helpful for more critical issues that require extra assistance and ongoing patterns or challenges with your understanding of the information Ifa is guiding you with.
The yearly package provides you with your yearly forecast along with 3 quarterly readings. Yearly readings are especially supportive when you are doing your daily obi divination. They provide a guiding system to assist you in tracking your spiritual life and increasing your conscious awareness.
The readings are sent to you at the start of each month as a recorded voice message. You have 7 days to reply with any questions. We can also meet for 30 min to discuss the reading in more depth.
1.Yearly reading
$ 340 aud
2. yearly reading + 3 seasonal
$770 AUD( Value $1350)
To Book your divination session, please complete the form.

“Ifa is an ancient, nature-based spiritual tradition that originates from the Yoruba Nation (Nigeria) in Africa. This sophisticated and intricate system holds much wisdom and Ase (power) that proves so relevant and increasingly necessary in contemporary life. ”
The Power of Nature
Some describe Ifa as “The science of the self through the study of nature”. Through coming to know ourselves and our personal ecology, we have the opportunity to truly be of service and fulfill our destiny in this life. This system provides invaluable guidance in maintaining the wellbeing of our selves, our community and the world.
The Ifa spiritual system incorporates 3 primary pillars:
1. Divination, tools for living on path with our personal destiny.
2. Ancestral connection, reverence and healing.
3. Intimate communion with the natural world and the forces of nature (Orishas) for elevating personal and collective consciousness.
With this spiritual tradition comes a rich culture full of ritual, dance, music, prayer and a cosmology of creation that gives meaning and context to our lives today.
Through simplicity, this ancient system reveals the intelligence and sophistication of life and the best way to live according to your unique destiny.
Hand of Ifa Initiation
Next Date TBC
Apply now and reserve your space for when the new dates are announced.
Why Initiation?
The study of Ifa is the sacred study of Metaphysical lores, otherwise known as the Secret teachings. Being Initiated into the Hand of Ifa opens a deeply reciprocal relationship between you and your higher states of Consciousness - empowering you with the keys to awaken the secret teachings encoded in your body.
The initiation is a marriage with God, Olodumare, Great Spirit, the mother, or whatever name you give to the force of creation. During the initiation, the Babalawos ‘pass on’ the frequencies to the sincere student choosing to elevate and ascend to their true nature and calling. The frequencies or states of Consciousness that the Babalawo (priest) initiates in the student have been passed on hand to hand since the beginning, and when received by the initiate, they acclimate and support the student of life in their accelerated study and learning and perceiving the messages from on high. This supports the initiate to gain access to their higher sacred knowledge and magical forces that govern the world in which we live - our inner world, made manifest as our outer reality.
To join ifa, you will become a member of an Ile ( a spiritual family/ community) spiritual family. When you choose to initiate into the Hand of Ifa, you choose your Ifa Ile according to the Babalaow that you choose to be your spiritual guide/godfather. It is important you resonate with who you choose. The spiritual family and its members are inspired and fed by the consciousness field, and spiritual practises of the Babalawo that initiated you. Within the Ile, all members recognise that they are in an ongoing process that involves being mentored by elders and mentoring new members. This puts you in a continuum of giving and receiving. This humble approach of receiving and giving allows us to remember the profound truth that we are all connected in a cosmic collaboration with seen and unseen elements.
Hand of Ifa Initiation is a big step, and a big shift in consciousness and preparation is essential. To prepare with us and to familiarise yourself with Ile Ifa Australia and our approach to Ifa, we recommend joining Gathering in the Name of Ifa with Baba Sandro Alawode. This course will introduce you to our Ile and to Ifa. Join Baba Sandro in exploring Ifa scriptures, the nature of the Orisas and obi divination. Read more about GITNOI here. .
Your Life Path Reading
One of the most valuable elements to the Hand of Ifa Initiation is receiving your Life Path Reading. This will give you clear guidelines as to your overall destiny and purpose in this life. You will also be shown the degree to which you are already on path or what adjustments (small or major) need to be attended to.
The whole process includes rituals, meditations and vision quests that reveal and align the initiate to their Higher Self. The information divined in the final Eta, “ life path reading”, affirms much of the insights revealed in the initial rituals. Each reading is very unique and specific to each person. No two initiations are the same.
What does the Initiation Involve?
RECEIVING powerful SPIRITUAL tools to live your life.
Hand of Orunmila ( 16 kola nuts)
Receiving & activating the Orishas - Ileke
Receiving Eshu & The Warriors -Ogun & Ochossi - ritual tools
Life Path Reading
Training & support material
Membership to our Spiritual Family “ Ile-Ifa Australia Inc” .
You are given a unique opportunity to know and fulfil your life purpose with support from the spiritual family that comprises of the ancestors, the Orishas and the Ifa community.
Activate your Higher Consciousness
Live the path of your true destiny with Ifa
Applicants will be sent dates
5500 AUD (deposit 500 AUD, non refundable)
Location & Format: Online-Residential
Create your retreat environment in the comfort of your own home.
Prepare your tools, stock up and book time for yourself and your process.
Connect with your Babalawos, and your fellow pre-initiates on zoom for discourses, sharing and ceremony.
Yes! It is possible, and it works. Our first residential online retreat was a success and testimony to the power of spirit!
For the retreat, you will require:
Stable internet connection
Zoom, laptop/ computer with camera & mic
Your sacred space and time booked out for the duration of the retreat
A list of more detailed requirements will be sent to you in plenty of time to prepare. Got Questions today? We will Answer them.
Ifa Initiation is a big step, and a big shift in consciousness and preparation is required. Here’s how:
1. Obi Divination
Obi Divination is one of the pillars of Ifa. Divination is a reliable tool for interacting and communicating with the subtle, invisible and spiritual aspects of life. With your obi set, you also receive support material, and you become a part of our obi divination community, where you can share and ask questions.
Upskill with Our Obi Masterclasses. Obi 101 will lay down your foundations, Obi 201 will take your divination to the next level. Dates will be announced soon! Pre register today!
2. Gathering in the Name of Ifa (GITNOI)
GITNOI is a 4 part course with Baba Sandro Alawode. Join us in studying Ifa cosmology and scripture and sharing our Ifa journeys as we build & nourish our spiritual community. If you choose to proceed with your Ifa Initiation, the course will be included in your initiation investment. Dates will be announced soon!
3. Divination Consultation
Our classes provide solid foundations for walking your path of Ifa, and as each case is unique, we recommend getting a reading or a live divination consultation. It will be most helpful for you to gain your specific guidance.
Ifa teaches when a person engages in the development of good character altered states of consciousness evolve organically and become a tool for serving the community. The spiritual discipline of Ifa involves the development and elevation of our essential nature. Consciousness and discipline are a byproduct of alignment with our essential nature.
- Fa’lokun Fatunbi
Align with your Essential Nature and choose your fulfilled life of service to your highest Purpose and your community with Ifa.
This is what our Initiates are saying…

Your Questions About Ifa
Dear friends and family. You have been sending us your questions. We hear you and we are replying to all of you Here. when something comes up for one - it comes up for the rest of us. In this section we are answering your questions about Ifa, Ifa Initiation, Ifa terminology and most of all - ifa consciousness.
Do ifa initiates worship deities?
“If you were god, would you create an outer saviour? Or an inner saviour in the heart of your creation” Robert Stevens - Logos of Now.
Ifa guides you to your inner saviour - moment to moment, choice by choice, step by step. Receiving your Ifa is consciously choosing to be reborn into your great self - in a divine union! Ifa uniquely guides each of us from within. Ifa recognises the outside world is a reflection of our inner realm. All the elements that make up the forces of nature are the same elements that created us.
What are Orishas ?
The forces of nature exist within and around us and contain states of consciousness that are expressed through qualities and characteristics that are named the Orishas. Each of the Orishas is re-present-ing a specific force within nature, the elements of all creation that created us, and we co-create with.
The Orishas exist within our own states of consciousness, and when we engage with the forces of nature, we participate in our co-creation of heaven on earth. Each Orisha’s characteristic connects us with specific forces in nature - our nature. When we are praising or feeding an Orisha, we are feeding that aspect of ourselves in consciousness. When we make offerings to the Orishas - we are honouring these forces, qualities that we are and have and serve with.
For example, Eshu, the Orisha of words and communication, the divine law enforcer, the one who opens the way. Ahh but which way? Eshu has no preference over good or bad, opportunity or misfortune. It is the orientation of the speaker that will determine the outcome. Eshu just delivers the message.
When we come to Eshu in praise and honour, we are praising and honouring the power of OUR words. When we feed Eshu, we are feeding the power of what we say and our choice to speak consciously from our hearts and to transform our small self habits to revert to the trickery of our old programs and limiting beliefs spoken in babel. When we praise Eshu we engage our higher choice to deliver our message clear and clean and have our victorious outcomes. We are also closing the door to any miss-fortune and confusion in our communication - to ourselves and others.
Guided by Orunmila - our higher / heavenly consciousness - through an advanced divination system, we can commune, interpret and translate Orunmila’s’ messages and engage our consciousness - praise Orishas - for our personal specific healing, creation and manifestation.
It’s important to emphasise to all Ifa students; this is an inside job! Your initiation, your ifa family, your Orishas and Divination tools are all supporting you in your walk through your open door - which no man can shut! The door opens in. Ifa is a map to navigate and guide you on your chosen path in life. The agreement you made in heaven before coming to earth.
Can Ifa Initiation happen with Plant Blood sacrifice only?
Yes - why? Blood is the exchange of life: blood for blood. In ancient times, animals had a high value to the human culture for food, clothing, and supplies. It was the animal on which humanity survived. Nowadays, we have a different set of circumstances and values. Plant bloods have a significant value to humans and can be exchanged for animal blood where required. Provided the blood which is being sacrificed is of high value, then it is going to work.
Blood of valuable wine or a valuable medicine plant: that is something that we have sacrificed which has VALUE. It has a monetary value, medicinal value, consciousness value. A life giving power that is valued and therefore exchanged for something of a higher value which is: spiritual wisdom, knowledge, power.
Are there any consequences to being Initiated into Ifa?
Ifa Initiation will change your life for the better. This upgrade may be instant or gradual according to where you're at and the severity of your situation. Some people come to ifa because they are facing major life challenges; others come because they are unconscious of their challenges and the major changes they require. Either way, Ifa will ignite major upgrades in all areas of your life!
Change is the only constant in life.
What makes the changes Ifa brings to your life so significant is they are your hearts top priority. Our personality and limiting survival beliefs are attempting to live in a status quo. Life, light, nature is in a continual state of expansion, and so are you. Your true power and light are a major threat to your status quo limiting self. Receiving your Ifa (union with your great power and light) will radically upgrade your life. Anything that was in your life that never originated from the source of who you are… illusions ….. will leave, in divine and perfect timing.
Your first year(s) of change may be experienced as a Crisis. Can you imagine the crisis the caterpillar is going through as it literally dissolves into a SOLUTION … to them emerge brand new as a butterfly? Very helpful to just keep on breathing and stay close to your inner saviour - God!
Choosing to upgrade your life using Ifa’s spiritual system is a very wise way to provide and empower yourself. Any major metamorphosis birthing process in our life is ideally supported by a team of committed & sincere midwives. In Ifa’s eternal wisdom, initiation into ifa is done through a family. The value of having your ifa family is for support and to vote your victory through your open door into your victorious thriving life.
To have our heaven on earth, we must give up our attachment to our misery, our victim mode of blaming. The two things can not occupy the same space. One must give. Choosing Ifa is investing massively in your higher choice!
Some typical changes manifest as people leaving your life, people coming into your life, moving home, city, country, trauma releasing, health challenges intensifying or just anything that you have been running and hiding from suddenly appearing larger than life. Your consciousness will change, and your life will reflect it. That is why it is so important that you are aware of your process and you are supported in your process.
Your Babalawos that initiated you and your ifa family/community that you chose are here for you - If you will reach out. Your job is to ask and walk in faith for what you require and stay in relationship.
What is a Babalawo and Iyanifa? Why do I need them? Can I do Ifa by myself?
Ifa is a spiritual family, community. A Babalawo means literally ‘a father’ or a ‘godfather’, and Iyanifa is a ‘godmother’ in a spiritual sense.
They are in service to their community. They are not higher in status than anyone else. They are devoted and dedicated patrons of their community who have over the years sacrificed, studied, transformed to receive their own highest Selves in order to SERVE their community.
Their role is to hold the energy of their Ile. To review their own thoughts, actions, attitudes to the highest of standards so that they can raise the members of their spiritual family.
You can “do Ifa” by yourself… but to LIVE Ifa - is to give of yourself to something bigger than a theory, ideas, rituals which of themselves are only mental concepts.. The best opportunity to fulfil your role in your current incarnation, to give of yourself - is living in a family, in a community. As we perceive the other - we meet our own self. So in a way, we always do our work on the inner ‘by ourselves and it is our community who will always show us how we are truly doing in our process.
This is why the role of community is INVALUABLE.
Why Is Gathering in the Name of Ifa important for you if you are called to be initiated into Ifa with Ile Kunkun?
We (Iya Omi Tola, Baba Sandor Alawode, members of the Ile) are here to serve your/our highest purpose. We ARE our community and our Ile. By joining Gathering in the Name of Ifa - you will connect with Baba Alawode and members of your spiritual family and you all have your opportunity to feel into Ile Kunkun and our approach to Ifa.
In Ile Kunkun we come together to raise ourselves and each other. Our Babalawos are constantly growing and evolving in their service to OUR highest purpose. The approach we provide is an alchemy of conscious language (the power of the word) and energy work. You will see how you can use conscious language to speak to your Highest Self, to you Orisas (aspects of your nature inside of you), and your ancestors in ways that open your consciousness to truth and transformation. In other words - when you put in your work - you will see your miracles.
You will learn the importance of communication with your creator and your world to benefit your highest purpose to come forth in your life.
We are growing our Ile, our spiritual family and our community. By coming together, we are also growing our spiritual immunity, and we shine a light for ourselves and each other to walk the path of our destiny.
Why is the initiation so expensive? Should spiritual services be free.
You are investing in what you require. We cannot go to spirit and expect to get the solution to our most important needs without expecting to VALUE it. Ifa is free. The "sacrifice" or "donation" is so that YOU will VALUE YOU and what you're coming for. The contributions that you make are paying for the Babalaow's time to provide you these services and the supplies you require. Ifa is a tithing system where you hook up your eternal supply of abundance. A complete transformation without being prepared to reciprocate. The law of Ayni (reciprocity) states that we live in a reciprocal universe. We invest and simultaneously open ourselves to receive what we invest in. I give, and I expect to receive. What am I prepared to sacrifice to receive something of a higher nature?
You are giving from your creator's heart through you to your Ifa Family, which you are choosing for the support of your life. And all goes back to the heart of the creator.
I give because I expect to receive my highest self, my new life.
You are investing in YOU. You are not paying someone to give you something. You are investing in you receiving your highest self with the support of Ifa and your chosen Ile. The payment is for your Babalawos' time, energy and ongoing energetic support, which you receive.
When you come into the Ifa, you come into a family with which you are in exchange. Family is the structure on which Ifa is based, and in the family, everyone has their place and role to play.
In Ifa, you are always a student and a teacher. For instance, how that works in traditional Ifa based communities - children of the age of 12 are learning from their older brothers and sisters, and at the same time, they are teaching the younger members of the community. Everyone has their place. Everyone is equally important. Ifa is a continuously evolving tapestry of consciousness of which you are a part.